How to Source Speakers for Your Event? Find Out in this Guide.

How to Source Speakers for Your Event? Find Out in this Guide.

Now that we are two years into online events, one thing we have realized is that there are several online event organizers who are still of the opinion that planning and hosting online events doesn’t require any planning. However, they are right, but only to an extent. Of course, planning and hosting online events does come with several conveniences and advantages; not requiring planning isn’t included. 

Online events, like their in-person counterparts, necessitate the same, if not more, planning. The only major difference between both formats of events is the medium of hosting. Other than that, everything is the same. Therefore, if you were of the opinion that online events require less planning, well, you are wrong. Online events also demand the same elements, such as speakers, attendees, a planned strategy, a venue, or an online event platform

Now, when it comes to planning and executing online events, organizers plan everything but don’t pay attention to the minute details. Though minute, these elements have a serious and major impact on the overall success of the event. One such element is choosing the speakers for the event. The speakers you will choose for your event will be the face of the event and simply one of the vital factors that will attract the audience. Hence, we are sure you can afford to be anything but careless when it comes to choosing the speakers for your event. 

Approaching people to speak at your event and getting them to the event is a long process, and in this blog, we will talk about all the steps. So, without further ado, let us get into the blog and read what steps it talks about. 

Steps to Source Speakers for Your Event

1. Start Your Hunt Early

As we have mentioned, choosing the right speakers for your event is a task in itself, and having the best speakers can literally change the dynamics of your online event. Hence, we are sure that you wouldn’t want to be late when it comes to choosing the speakers for your event. Since every other organization is hosting online events these days and the number of online events is skyrocketing, being late would simply mean missing out on a great opportunity to choose good speakers. Creating a speaker lineup in the early stages of event planning will help you attract more attendees to your event. Needless to say, speakers and guests are aspects of an event that attendees look forward to. Therefore, using the names of speakers for your event will help you attract significant numbers of attendees to your next online event. 

2. Know who Should Speak at the Event and Who Shouldn’t 

While it is important to know who should be the speaker at your next event, it is more important to know who shouldn’t be. You might not realize it now, but the name you choose for your event will have a lot to offer. Your speakers will simply be the face of your event, and the audience will look at them before registering for the event. Nobody would mind waiting for someone like the former president of the USA, Barack Obama. It is the power in his name that would draw a crowd to the event. 

When you are looking for the speakers for your event, you should do thorough research on all the aspects of your event. For example, you should keep in mind the audience you are targeting for your online event. Apart from that, always be mindful of the theme of the event, topics, and even your budget while looking for speakers for your event. 

3.Conduct a Speaker Research

Like we said, choosing the right speaker isn’t an easy task; you need to be on your toes and have a proper approach. To make it easier, you can create your own plan. While looking for a professional who can speak at your event, you need to ensure that the communication taking place is proper. Make sure that there are no ifs and buts remaining and that everything is efficiently carried out. You can create a questionnaire to make the entire process a lot simpler and easier. 

When creating the questionnaire, you can make notes of several factors that you will consider while looking out for the speaker. A few factors can be the availability of the speaker, your target audience, the date of your event, the online event platform, and, most importantly, their fee. Having these factors sorted will help you communicate easily and efficiently with the prospects. Also, it will make everything a lot easier and hassle-free. 

4.Jot Down Your Potential Speakers

Now that you have all the clarity and important information, it is time to move ahead and narrow down the names of your potential speakers. From here, you will have to choose a few names as your event speakers. While you are doing so, make sure to include other important people from your team. It will be helpful in choosing the right and most suitable speakers for the upcoming online event. 

Now that it is time to make a choice, we advise you to keep a few things in mind. Considering these factors will help you make the decision easily. You should take their previous events into account and also keep their particular strengths and weaknesses in mind. Not only this, but you should also check if they align with your event goals or not. 

Trust us, considering these factors won’t only make it easier for you to choose the right speakers, but it will also help you choose the most suitable speakers for your online event. 

Just like everything else, choosing the right speaker for your Webinar event is also important, and it plays a crucial role in determining the success of your event. Though it takes some time, brainstorming, and patience, selecting the right speakers is the key to a successful event. You can follow the steps and tactics we have shared with you in this blog. Also, once done, ensure that you make them feel important and valued. In return, they will attract more audiences, elevate the social presence of your event, and help you grow your business. 

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